Friday 10 August 2018

August 08, 1976, the Chicago White Sox were the first and last MLB team to play a game in shorts. This year the ChiSox have played 114 games, and 73 times they’ve come up short.


  1. Veeck as in wreck!

    As consistently poor as the Sox have been, it's a mystery why they're still in Chicago. Hello Montreal?

  2. Montreal didn't work the first time. What makes you think it will now? Another good line, RJ.

    1. The 2 previous ownership groups were horrible, dedicated to saving money instead of investing in their team. With their healthy population, a solid owner, they can make it.

      Washington is making it with their 3rd team. The Mets replaced 2 teams, and they're sort of succeeding. Seattle and KC also on their 2nd teams, and financially successful.

      Lastly, I'm not sure there are any other locations that are viable options. Portland wants a team but as of now, they have no ballpark. And I doubt the citizens would agree to tax themselves to build one.

  3. Thanks. I'm not sure Montreal will ever forgive the 1994 MLB strike.

    1. Things might have turned out much differently had the strike been brief. It certainly looked to be their year. B
