Monday, 8 March 2021

A study of beer drinking among MLB fans found Blue Jays patrons lead the majors in one category: starting to drink before the opening pitch. Another joke that just wrote itself.


  1. And to that survey I say "Hold my beer!"

    1. The Mariners can cause excessive alcohol consumption I would think.

  2. I happened across the following, Saturday:

    According to a ranking of the “booziest baseball fans”, comparing fans from all 30 Major League Baseball teams, Chicago White Sox fans drink more alcohol than any other fanbase. The team's fans are also the only ones who consume an average of more than four drinks per game; and is one of five that spend $40 or more on drinks per game.

    The survey conducted by New Jersey Online Gambling found that White Sox fans drink about 4.2 drinks per game and spend an average of $46.

    There were 2631 respondents but no breakdown on their locations. Not much of a survey but something else to argue about at the pub, someday.

    (Got the first one 💉!)

  3. That is the same survey. How did Mariners fans rank?

    1. Looks like 21st, 2.9 drinks @ $29/fan. I'm guessing that prices at NHL buildings are equally absurd?

  4. Anne & I like to visit ML ballparks on our vacations and we always try the local food (Hot dogs, hamburgs or some local oddity) and soft drinks. No booze because we're on the road. Never spent more than $25.

  5. Just for the record: We have visited 22 MLB stadiums. Best food - LA Angels & SD Padres. Worst food - Old Minnesota Dome. Cheapest prices - Pittsburgh Highest prices - Yankee Stadium (George needs the money)

    1. 22, that's impressive! Got a review of Camden Yards and Boog's Bbq?

  6. Haven't gotten down there yet, but it's at the top of our list. I have a cousin who lives in Bethesda and she and her family are all Yankee fans and go there and Washington whenever the team plays there. She want's to go to one with us. Check out her site (Lisa Makes Pies).
