Thursday, 15 October 2020

The Dodgers scored a record 11 in the first inning against the Braves. The last time so many runs came so quickly, a porcupine got into a hosiery factory.


  1. Incredible half-inning which I saw half of.

    In my very early days as a baseball fan, I saw the hometown Rainiers host Vancouver. The Mounties wore all red uniforms, they looked like big bottles of strawberry pop. In the top of the 1st, they scored 10 runs. In the bottom of the 1st, Seattle scored 9 runs. Oddly, neither team scored again. (At age 13, I was on a Babe Ruth League team that wore all red uniforms. I was crushed!)

  2. That is odd. Are you over the trauma?

    1. "Crushed" is my humorous reference to this:

      I guess it's a bit esoteric.
